Margherita Ungaro

Acting Executive Director / Director of Finance

Margherita Ungaro is the Acting Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce Saudi Arabia. She recently transitioned into this role in January of 2023 and was formerly the Head of Finance. She now covers both roles with the assistance of a Finance Coordinator who maintains the day-to-day financial aspect of the Head of Finance role.

Margherita has resided in Saudia Arabia since 2009. Prior to her engagement in the American Chamber of Commerce Saudi Arabia, she assumed a temporary position at the Italian Embassy in the occasion of G20 event coordination. Margherita was on the Board of Directors of OasItalia from 2009 to 2018.

OasItalia was a nonprofit association present in Riyadh from 2007 to 2018 with the mission to promote the Italian culture and language amongst the ex-pat community in Saudi Arabia. Formed by the now retired Ambassador Eugenio D’Auria and operated under the patronage of the Embassy of Italy to Saudi Arabia, OasItalia grew to become the most active and renowned cultural association present in Riyadh until its closure in 2018, when Margherita opted to leave the organization.

Margherita’s professional background includes an extended management experience in the banking sector, matured in the USA and accounting and finance experience matured in Italy.